There are several rules and
controls with Auto fill in Spreadsheets. These are as follows:
1. If the cell contents are numeric, then you must select at least 2 cells if dragging, so that Works knows how much to increment each by.
2. If the cell contents have text and numbers, then incrementing is by one for each cell.
Drag down, with numbers only.
1. Click on a Cell and type in a number.
2. Press enter, arrow down and type in the second number. This is required to tell Works how much to increment each cell.
3. Click on the top cell, and select both.
4. Click on the bottom right hand corner and drag downwards. This will increment each cell by the same amount.
Note:Excel is similar, but you can do one cell, and hold the control key down for single incrementing.
Drag down with text and numbers.
1. Click on a cell and type in the character/number combination.
2. Press Enter.
3. Click on the bottom right hand corner, and drag downwards. This will increment each cell by one.
Fill Series from menu options.
1. To control the amount of incrementing, select the cell you want to start from.
2. Drag down over the Cells you want to fill.
3. Choose Edit, Fill | Series.
4. Select Units, type in Number and choose OK.