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Intel Celeron, Pentium 4 or Dual Core, which should you buy ????

We often wondered the same thing, so first we did an upgrade from a recently built Celeron 1.8GHz System to a Pentium 4 1.8GHz. Then we later rebuilt the PC with a new m/b and Dual Core CPU.

Tests we carried out, were based on the semi-professional average user, ie startup time, bit of spreadsheet work, system backup etc.

Test Details comparing Celeron with P4 P4 Percentage faster than Celeron
MS Access Report, with some Excel VB 30%
MS Access Table view in form of 30,000 records 20%
System backup using Winzip Command line interface 10%
Macro in Excel to analyse 6,500,000 cells 15%
Startup from power off to fully loaded ready to work 6%

Test Details comparing P4 wtih Dual Core Dual Core Percentage faster than P4
Open Word 2007, includes additional Menus program. (2.49s) 56% (1.1s)
Open Outlook 2007, includes Menus program. (3.2s) 60% (1.3s)
Copy large 800Mb file. (35s) 12% (31s)
Macro in Excel to loop 300,000 events. (30s) 64% (11s)

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If you are considering Celeron or P4, With an average performance increase of only 16%, you would be best to consider a Celeron, as they sell for about (NZ)$140 and the P4 costs around (NZ)$320. However, the Dual Core has considerable improvement in speed over the P4 (Average 48%). Note that the Dual Core is running on a faster motherboard and with faster RAM. The reason for this is that this equipment must be compatible. You cannot plug a Dual Core CPU into the same type of motherboard as you would use a P4 in. 

Another interesting point is that the Dual Core today, costs about the same as the P4 was 2 years ago, so we would say it is definitely value for money, compared with the Celeron / P4 comparison.
If you are a heavy user, regularly multi-tasking, opening and closing apps many times and doing large reports, then consider the Dual Core as the advantages are considerable.
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